Things I’m working to eradicate
Officially designated as invasive plants in my region
- Ailanthus altissima (Tree of heaven — (*snort*))
- I didn’t do my research and cut down a tree. At that point in time there were already long suckers vining all the way across the back end of my property. This plant is hell.
- Clematis terniflora (Sweet autumn clematis)
- WHY could they not have planted the native Clematis virginiana, with which this is often confused?
- Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet)
- Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle
- Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass)
- Nandina domestica (Heavenly bamboo — (again, *snort*)
- A previous inhabitant planted one YEARS ago. I cut it down within the first year I lived here (2014). I am still pulling sprouts and suckers off the stump. Thankfully there was only one!
Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass)- My comment on discovering this plant’s rhizomes was: “And I thought Bermuda grass was evil…” I think I got rid of this stuff. A lot of digging was involved.
Other nuisance plants
- Toxicodendron radicans (Poison ivy)
- After a scary case of a systemic urushiol reaction a few years ago (where the inside of my body started to itch in ways I couldn’t scratch), I acquired some glyphosate. I use it, very carefully, only on this foe, and only in places where I ever need to go.
- Smilax spp. (Greenbriars)
- Just ouch. They grow up on other plants and stab you when you try to take care of them.
- Commelina communis (Asiatic dayflower)
- Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’
- I planted some of this before I knew better. This is one of those heart breakers, because I love how it covers the ground beneath dark foliaged plants. However, having it in cultivation will block me from ever getting certified as a native or wildlife sanctuary garden.
Maybe just take a thumb or two
Perhaps full eradication isn’t needed, but these need to be kept in check with a heavy hand
- Artemisia absinthium
- Lunaria annua
- Persicaria maculosa
Not plants
Things previous inhabitants put in or on the earth, left for me to discover in horror
- The yellow carpet “weed barrier” along the back of the property whose backing has disintegrated, so I have to disentangle hunks of loose plastic carpet fibers from the roots that have grown through
- The thin blue, thankfully still intact, carpet “weed barrier” along the side of the shed toward the back of the property
- Other trash I’ve found in the soil, including:
- broken glass
- old plastic bread bags
- screwdriver
- old point-and-shoot camera
- nails, screws, bolts, etc.
- a bra
- old metal roofing
- discarded linoleum flooring
- old tarp, disintegrating
- Ailanthus altissima (Tree of heaven — (*snort*))