Six on Saturday

1. Dahlia ‘Red Fubuki’ preparing to bloom

Dahlia preparing to bloom

2. Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’

I got this plant from Big Bloomers Flower Farm last summer and she is blooming for the first time.

First flower on Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’

3. Cocoa Chicken and Cinnamon Chicken

Cocoa Chicken and Cinnamon Chicken hung out under the hazel tree on Squash Mountain while I repaired the fence around the asparagus.

Cocoa Chicken and Cinnamon Chicken under the hazel tree

4. Beans

I cleaned out my cupboard a couple of weeks ago. Now I have lots of beans coming up near the compost pile.

Black, Kidney, and Pinto beans sprouting near the compost pile

5. Hemerocallis ?

This was planted by a previous inhabitant. I’m not sure what it is.

Hemerocallis (?) planted by a former resident


I am told this guinea fowl egg has now externally pipped and hatching is now in progress. I had planned to lockdown the incubator tomorrow, but had to do so tonight. I hope that opening it to add more water did not hurt this little one’s progress. I heard PEEPING when I was filling the water channels!!

A guinea fowl egg has externally pipped.

Six on Saturday is hosted by The Propagator. Visit this link to see all this week’s participants.

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