I had a Zoom call with a friend after work and then an acquaintance came to see my place and pick up some tomato seedlings I thought had succumbed to a fungus, but which bounced back.
So I did not do any real tasks in the yard.
I spotted the first Japanese beetle of the season on the cannas, though. I failed to catch it, but later caught another one and fed it to Piper the guinea hen.
I was a bit late getting the guineas cooped due to having a guest, and Zipper and Chestnut took forever to come inside. Then Zipper stood on the poop board and dropped an egg at exactly 21:00. Sorry for crappy photo, but with one hand, I was pointing the flashlight I was using to facilitate roosting. The solar light wouldn’t come on last night and seems to be getting increasingly flaky, so I need to replace it.