We’re writing this sitting outside, listening to a whippoorwill and various frogs, drinking a Wicked Weed Pernicious IPA, smiling at fireflies.
1. Dramatic elder shot

2. Asclepius syriaca (common milkweed)
I swear I saw a monarch butterfly fluttering around these today.

3. Papaver somniferum
Everything about the form of this plant is gorgeous. The way the bud nestles into the frilling leaves makes my heart sing.

4. Cherries
Two cherry trees were here when I bought the place. I’ve recently discovered they were planted without un-balling the roots. In previous years, I’ve gotten two or three cherries from one of the trees. This year that tree is covered in fruits. These are the first to start ripening.

5. What is that??
The question every guest asks. The answer: Magnolia macrophylla (bigleaf magnolia). Purchased at NC Botanical Garden’s fall plant sale.
If it does well, I won’t have a front yard any more, which is fine with me.

6. Perfect curl
This is the happiest of the pumpkin plants I randomly planted in various spots.

Six on Saturday is hosted by The Propagator. Roundup of all participants here.