Finished cutting down the unruly holly. Again. This time I won’t fall for the idea that I can keep it trimmed into some semblance of something attractive.
Prepped area between corkscrew hazel and redbud for final conversion into bed.
FINALLY located some 50 inch by 8 foot handy panels. They are in Burlington and there are only 4, but I just paid for them online and will go pick them up after I drop a thing off in Mebane. I need these for my cucumber trellises and they are as hard to come by as toilet paper at this point! (Update: got 4 for the price of 3 because one was bent!)
Errands including the above and a big trash drop off and getting some vegetables and dairy products.
Today marks the first outing I make in my new-to-me truck! It is fabulous to be able to throw big feed bags full of old carpet and other crap I dug out of the ground in the back of a truck instead of in the back of my enclosed car. I never know what crawled into one of those bags while it was sitting in the shed waiting to be taken to a waste management drop off center!
Ordered this book:
Planted 3 cardoons and 3 more plugs of cilantro
Made some chicken wire rings to protect the tomatoes I’ll be planting out tomorrow.